Gallery: Ships
Throughout human history, different cultures have used boats for transportation, commerce, and warfare. Explore a few examples of the different boats we've used. Roman Galley An 18th-century engraving of a Roman warship The Mediterranean region was one of the first centers of sea commerce as Greek, and then Roman, “galleys” traveled between ports in Europe, Africa, and Asia. The ships were propelled at high speeds by dozens of oarsmen working in unison. With these ships, sails were a secondary form of power. Galleys were used to transport people and goods and were an important instrument of war. In this illustration, the Roman warship pictured has a corvus mounted to its bow. This crane-like machine was used to damage enemy ships or to lock them to the Roman ship so that Roman soldiers could board them and engage in hand-to-hand combat. Viking Fleet A painting by Edward Moran This painting d...